Specialising in Conveyancing & Property, Dispute resolution, Estate planning,
Relationship & Employment disputes &
Litigation & Trusts.
For friendly advice contact us today on (04) 472 4286
Langford Law | Your Lawyers in Wellington
John Langford has practised law in Wellington for more than 30 years.
He has wide experience in property and commercial work, and is also a very experienced court lawyer. John believes that most legal issues and disputes can be resolved without resorting to litigation. He regards litigation as a last resort but, if it can't be avoided, he is well-equipped to deal with it.
John and his team can assist you with the majority of legal problems. If the matter is highly specialised, they will direct you to an appropriate specialist in the area.
For conveyancing work, they will be happy to give you a competitive quote. For other types of work, John offers an initial, free, consultation to discuss what needs to be done, and the likely cost.
Experienced in sale and purchase agreements; conveyancing, title searches, refinances, loan and mortgage documentation. Read more...
Whether it's a business, partnership or a marriage relationship that has broken down, Langford Law will take a constructive approach to get differences settled fairly and economically.
We prepare and review wills as family circumstances change, conduct estate planning, and administer estates.
We negotiate and help resolve disputes involving dismissals, health and safety issues, discipline and redundancy. Read more...
Relationship disputes can be intense and prolonged and we bring our experience to the fore to ensure things don't get out of hand and that our clients gain a fair settlement. Read more...
We don't litigate as a first response but if it comes to it, we are very experienced court lawyers, with experience in civil and criminal cases from District Court level to the Court of Appeal. Read more...
We establish and maintain family trusts and design asset protection. We will work with your accountant where taxation issues are involved. Read more...
Langford Law offers a full range of legal services, including:
Langford Law will ensure a quick wrap up of a sale or purchase in a manner that meets your expectations.
Clients trust us to make doubly sure that the sale or purchase of their home goes ahead without any legal hiccups. Rest assured we will foresee and avoid any potential problems when it comes to sales and purchases.
Buying or selling your home is no small undertaking. The sale and purchase documents can be complex and confusing. We endeavour to keep things simple, and in plain English.
Langford Law has long experience in sale and purchase agreements, conveyancing, title searches, satisfying sale conditions, as well as supervising and writing loan and mortgage documentation for family homes or for investment buyers and sellers.
We can also help deal with commercial conveyancing and leases.

Langford Law acts with respect and discretion to ensure that final wishes are carried out, promptly and fairly.
Someone who has planned well can rest easily knowing that his or her lifetime's accumulation of assets and memorabilia will go to the right people. Plan is the important word. Your will contains your instructions on how and to whom you want your estate distributed to after you die.
Dying without a will is called dying intestate and can create confusion and expense for relatives. Devoid of a will, the estate will be distributed according to a legal formula, under which most of it will go to surviving relatives, even if the deceased had intended that some people or organisations outside his or her immediate family should have benefited.
Langford Law helps you make your will and keeps it up-to-date as your circumstances change. That's important and we advise clients to review their wills as changes occur, for example, when going from being single to married, following the birth of children or even the death of intended beneficiaries. All people who own assets should have a will to ensure their estate is left to those of whom it was intended.
We help our clients to write succinct, unambiguous wills, while also keeping them current and acting efficiently if it comes time to enact. We assist in winding up the estate with minimal fuss and ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are obeyed to the letter and spirit of his or her will.
John is often called on by other law firms to act as a mediator, or to assist in resolution of disputes
John understands that small differences can grow into serious disagreements in which the parties toss aside logic and try to win at all costs. A dispute fuelled by runaway emotion is in neither side's best interests, so Langford Law works for its clients by infusing the dispute with perspective and searching for a sensible way out for both parties.
Disputes can arise in a marriage, a business partnership, between neighbours or companies, and in numerous other ways.
Litigation can be very expensive, whilst invariably resulting in a winner and a loser. We do our best eliminate the risk of these situations arising, but are ready to fight it out if we have to.
Relationship disputes can be among the most intense and prolonged that lawyers face.
Small disputes, left unattended, can grow to be all-consuming. Langford Law has dealt with many disputes at every level of intensity.
In relationship disputes a good law firm, such as Langford Law, works from the start to get the parties talking, agreeing where they can and discussing outstanding points where they can't. That is not to say that we don't assert our clients' legal rights forcefully when required, but Langford Law finds that wading in with all guns blazing seldom achieves any purpose.
We don't see a relationship dispute as being naturally adversarial. We work to find middle ground so that couples who wish to, part regretfully but gracefully and get on with their lives without constantly looking back to unfinished legal wrangling.
Our approach works remarkably well. No one willingly seeks stress and anxiety - equitable agreements are a far better option. Langford Law is firmly on your side when you need our help in this difficult area.
We negotiate and help resolve disputes involving dismissals, discipline, health and safety issues and redundancy.
We act for both employers and employees.
Long gone are the days when "you're fired" could echo with impunity around a work place. Employment law is both complex and demanding, expecting employers to follow a strict but fair procedure when dealing with their staff. The law imposes minimum standards of behaviour and compliance on employees too.
At the heart of New Zealand's employment law is a desire to couple the pursuit of fairness with a keen focus on correct process.
Langford Law advises clients on all aspects of employment law and will encourage mediation when agreement can't be reached. We prepare and review employment contract agreements, advise on grievance claims, provide advice on workplace restructuring and have experience appearing at the Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court.
We negotiate and help resolve disputes involving dismissals, discipline, health and safety issues and redundancy. We act for both employers and employees.
Long gone are the days when "you're fired" could echo with impunity around a work place. Employment law is both complex and demanding, expecting employers to follow a strict but fair procedure when dealing with their staff. The law imposes minimum standards of behaviour and compliance on employees too.
At the heart of New Zealand's employment law is a desire to couple the pursuit of fairness with a keen focus on correct process.
We advise clients on all aspects of employment law and will encourage mediation when agreement can't be reached. We prepare and review employment contract agreements, advise on grievance claims, provide advice on workplace restructuring and are very experienced in appearing at the Employment Relations Authority and Employment Court.

Langford Law specialises in creating trust documents, that are written in plain English.
Establishing trusts is an exacting task, requiring all procedures to be followed to the letter of the law, ensuring that the trust can withstand robust examination by both legal forces and government regulators. When the trust is set up, it stands a greater chance of remaining immune to challenge when it is properly set up from day one.
On top of establishing and maintaining family trusts, we design asset protection and produce documentation to ensure, in conjunction with accountants, correct taxation and legal compliance.
Trusts may serve many and varied purposes, from asset protection to preservation of family holdings in the event of changing circumstances. Trusts may be designed to protect against reckless behaviour by trust beneficiaries, guard against a business debt endangering family assets or take into account that future generations may not all agree on the trust's aims and methods. Often the establishment of a trust is not necessary, and we will advise our clients accordingly.
For whatever reasons our clients may give us to create a trust, we attend to its structure with utmost care and attention to detail, as well as making sure the client thoroughly understands it.
We welcome queries from new and existing clients to discuss the benefits of a trust. Should there be any questions we'll be happy to talk to you about the pros and cons.
John Langford is an experienced and competent litigator with more than 30 years of experience, in both commercial and criminal law.
Langford Law makes sure that our clients know the costs and risks involved, before they go to court. As well as civil and commercial cases, we also deal with criminal and traffic cases.
When we litigate on behalf of a client we do so as a last step. We firmly believe that litigation is to be avoided if possible but if it becomes inevitable, we will pursue it with utmost vigour.
Tel: 027 243 2373
John is a rare breed, combining nearly 40-years of experience with a relaxed, unassuming calm rationality. A Wellingtonian, bred but not born, John attended Wellington College then Victoria University, where he gained a Masters of Laws. 'To the point', John can be relied upon not to window-dress, and has a frank, economical approach.
LL.M and LLB (Victoria University)
Barrister & Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand
New Zealand Law Society
Wellington Law Society
Dale works in conveyancing and administration at Langford Law. Her outgoing, friendly manner will put you at ease and she is happy to field any questions you might have.
Tel: (04) 472 4286
Yvonne is our conveyancing star. Her knowledge of the finer points of property matters gives us an advantage in terms of efficiency, experience and expertise.
Tel: (04) 472 4286

Level 7, 90 The Terrace
PO Box 344
Wellington 6140
Phone: 04 472 4286
Fax: 04 472 4289
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